中式午宴 | 上午11时半至下午2时半
每席HK$6,988起 (10位)
中式晚宴 | 晚上6时至晚上10时
每席HK$8,588起 (10位)
- 独立使用贵宾厅三小时 (午宴) 或四小时 (晚宴)
- 奉送迎宾杂果宾治一小时
- 奉送无限添饮汽水、橙汁及啤酒两小时三十分钟
- 每两席获赠Park Café双人自助晚餐餐券乙张供抽奖使用
- 每席可享免费泊车两小时费用回赠 (只限私家车)
- 每席奉送红酒或白酒乙支
- 免收自携洋酒开瓶费五瓶
- 免费提供标准背板布置及英文挂字
- 免费使用迎宾处电子相架
- 免费使用视听器材及流动投影机设施
- 免费使用音响设备及两支无线咪
预订或查询: (852) 2731 2119
电子邮件: bqt.phhk@parkhotelgroup.com
Terms and conditions
- Offers are valid until November 30, 2025
- A minimum of two tables is required
- A three-day advance reservation is required
- All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on the original prices
- Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, privileges and partnerships
- Black-out dates and other restrictions may apply
- The photo is for reference only
- In the case of any dispute, the decision of Park Hotel Hong Kong shall be final